Sperry X Gray Malin X Colette

Sperry X Gray Malin X Colette

10 years ago
Bonjour Everyone!

First off, just let me say...WOW. The last couple weeks have been amazing and very surreal celebrating the launch of the #SperryXGrayMalin collaboration with events in Los Angeles,New York, and commencinglast night in Paris at the iconic French boutique, Colette. What made this one especially SPECIAL was that not only were we celebrating the Gray Malin for Sperry collection, which is available in Colette but the store extended an invitationto exhibit my photography.

Gray Malin at Colette


If you've never heard of or visited Colette before, please allow me to introduce you...this store is spectacular in all senses of the word. It's a beautifully curated three story boutique,unique in it's variety of brands and products carried as well aswithits overall in-store design and aesthetic. It truly has accomplished a longstanding and palpable vibe that is completely Colette's own...oui oui, it's true!

Gray Malin - Colette Exhibit - Up & Away Series

Now with that being said, I was completely thrilled for them to host an exhibition of my work, and I knew that it **_had_** to be something really special. Without much hesitation, I decided on the new Balloon images I shot in the Caribbean for my ongoing Up and Awayseries. This particular series is so joyful; I knew when I was shooting these new additions that they'd warrant something extra special fortheir release. Little did I know at the time, how special it really would be!

Gray Malin at Watermelon Balloons

I could not think of anythingbetter or more perfectly suited for Colette's walls and much to my delight, they agreed.Then they went one step further and asked to display some of my favorites from the Gray MalinÀ la Plagephotography series.

Gray Malin at Colette

Working with the Colette team was fantastic and I am so proud of how the whole exhibit came together. The#SperryXGrayMalin collectionlooked completelyfab on display in Coletteand then before I knew it...it was time to celebrate!


The guests started arriving and I had the opportunity to meet so many interesting new friends, like James Sleaford of GQ France


as well as Bruno of Wad Magazine, and so many lovely and fashionable people


Loved meeting Adam of I AM GALLA...clearly, we were **_very_ _very_** busy for this photograph...

Gray Malin at Colette

and twinning in this one!

graymalincolette i am galla

I always enjoygetting a chance to meet people when they're first experiencing my work. Yes, it can be extremely nerve wracking, too but overall it's almost always super fun!





Merci beaucoup to Sperry, to Colette, to all who attending any of the past three events and most especially to you all for following along!


Au revoir!



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