Last night's Sperry X Gray Malinlaunchevent in New York City was such a blast! It was similar yet different from our event in LA on Tuesday. First off, as you'll see, the attire was ever so slightly (very) different. It's still cold, so the coats were ever present....

...but sowere the sprinkles!

It was so great to get to celebrate with NYC friends as well as the Sperry team...

and of course, I got some face time with someof my favorite "social" friends, including Jacey of Damsel in Dior

Everyone was getting in on the Insta action, too, for their chance to win a Gray Malin framed print. I'm loving the social media component of these events, it just makes it that much more interactive and visual..and of course, a prize as the result!

Thanks so much to those who joined myself and Sperry last night and to you for following along! It was such a thrill and if you're in NYC, I hope you take a moment to swing by the Sperry store to check it all out for yourself.

And stay tuned for Paris! Oui oui!