Happy Friday! I'm so excited to close this week out with a recap of Wednesday's launch event formy latest collection with Sperry. This is our second collaboration together, and let me tell you, the celebration of it will never get old. To mix it up from our previous events, we decided to head south...as in South Carolina to the charming city of Charleston.
Before we get to the party, lets stroll around this historic city, shall we? I've never been before soit's always extra exciting experiencing a new place for the first time. I especially loved an area called Rainbow Row, which is a series of colorful houses and fun fact - it represents the longest cluster of Georgian row houses in the United States. It sort of reminded me of my time in Notting Hill.
Enough with the stroll, it's time to push the pedals for a bit. I'm not here for a long time but a good time, so I've got to maximize the time and get in as much as I can of this eye candy of a city.
After a quick change and a few pictures with my 'GRAY' mylar balloons from Cannonborough Collective at the stunning hotel, The Restoration, I headed out to the celebration!
Right on Charleston's historic King Street, the Sperry store was decked out floor to ceiling in beachy goodness to cheers to our brand new collection together. Lets go in!

It was a tough choice on which pair of the collection to do for the evening, but after spending the day in this darling city, the pretty in pink, South Beach, pair seemed like the perfect fit.
I loved getting the chance to meet so many nice and smiling faces. Also, it was exciting as there was a contest going on during the event. There was one lucky winner that night, who got to take home the Bora Bora slip-on and the print it was inspired by!

Aside from the beaches on the slip-ons, there was also a BEACHES sighting at the soirée, which was fun and I was more than happy to sign it, as well as the person's new Ipanemas!

The evening was such a joy and just when I thought it couldn't get any better...it did! Lionel the Hedgehog walked into my life...and it'll never be the same. Cuteness overload, I know!

And, there you have it! It was such a great night, and I could not have been happier to celebrate the occasion in Charleston. It has long been on the list to visit, so to do it combined with such a happy time..well, I couldn't have hoped for more! Thanks so much for following along, and I hope you all are off to a very fun weekend.