Hi Everyone!
Can you believe there are only a few short days left of 2017? My head is spinning at how much has happened over the past year, but I couldn’t be more grateful and I’m looking forward now more than ever to the new year!
From new additions to the GM brand almost monthly, to traveling the world, and bidding farewell to our first house, 2017 will be hard to beat. But, with all these new changes within the past year, I’m optimistic about the excitement that 2018 will surely hold. So, as one does at the end of the year, I’m closing this chapter and opening the next—starting with a few of my personal goals for the coming year. To make it easy, I’ve put together a little resolutions Q&A that I’m sharing along with my answers below, and hope you all join me in making your own goals with this questionnaire! I’ve got a feeling I’m going to have a ton of fun “firsts” this year… Let’s start with the questions:
And without further ado, here are the answers you’ve all been waiting for:
## 1. Something I want to master…
> This coming year, I’m making it a goal to master the art of lifting weights versus doing mainly cardio bootcamp classes. I’d love to learn the physiology of the body and work harder to gain muscle while maintaining a healthy diet.
## 2. A bad habit I hope to break…
> Not stretching after my workouts! As a natural result of my busy schedule, I often rush and don’t properly stretch after a workout. So, this year I would like to stretch more regularly, treat my body when it needs it, and repair my muscles better.
## 3. Somewhere I’d like to visit…
> Thailand and Cambodia… In fact, I’m going in February and I couldn’t be more excited!
## 4. A luxury I’d like to treat myself to more often…
> I LOVE seeing and smelling fresh flowers around the house, but don’t treat myself to that luxury nearly enough. If I had it my way, I’d have fresh flowers delivered to the house every week!
## 5. Something I will try to cut back on…
> I would love to cut back on ordering with the Postmates app. (I think that’s one we can all relate to in L.A.!) It’s super convenient, but it’s also expensive and can lead to unhealthy habits. Instead, I’m making it a goal to cook more and plan out meals better by organizing my grocery shopping.
## 6. A new talent I want to learn…
> How to do a cartwheel! Believe it or not, I’ve never done one. But 2018 feels promising…
## 7. Something I want to try at home…
> To plant a garden. Our new house has two large planters that I’m hoping to plant in, and I think starting a garden would be such a fun thing to do to make our new house really feel like home.
**What New Year’s resolutions do you have?**
I totally encourage you to save these questions and answer them for yourself this year. It’s amazing how many new things you can accomplish when you write them down and have them in front of you as a daily reminder.
Cheers to the New Year!
Photos: Gray Malin, @graymalinpersonal on Instagram