Meet Kelly Mindell, DIY guru and owner of the lifestyle blog Studio DIY where she celebrates the holidays and the everyday with colorful projects, recipes and adventures. Originally a New Jersey native, she moved to Los Angeles four years ago with her husband (and resident photographer!) Jeff along with her tiny dog Bella.

Her Gray Malin framed print of Miami Pink Umbrellas was an obvious choice for Kelly, _"I love pink and the colors in this print were calling my name."_ The hues of the sand and the umbrellas together reminded her of the famoushome in Palm Springs. (You know, that famous one with thepink door! Dreamy.) It was just a bonus that the photo was taken in Miami, a city that Jeff grew up visiting and one he holds near and dear to his heart.

Aside from her love ofumbrellas, Kelly's interior design style starts with a bright white space and she addspops color from there. Since she works in a creative industry day after day, her taste changes constantly, so she prefers to bring in pops of bold hues with accessories like pillows, rugs and accent furniture._"I always love a hefty dose of gold and a good amount of unexpected, quirky pieces, too. My dream home would be the perfect trifecta of white walls, wood floors and gold hardware with pops of vibrant hues in every room_", says Kelly._"__Having the studio, of course, has allowed me to live out my other fantasy of having pink everything, couch and fridge included!"_
Speaking of the studio's kitchen, in honor of her new print, Kelly broke out some sweet donuts with matching Pink Umbrellasfor the occasion, and I seriously could not have been happier! (Here's some other tasty looking treats; the girl knows her way around a donut, that's for sure!)

Similar to myself, Kelly's happy place is Palm Springs. "_Jeff and I took our first trip there shortly after moving to LA and quickly fell in love."_ She loves the mid-century design, the colorful doors, the abundance of bougainvillea and the fact that the whole city just has an air of relaxation around it. She loved it so much, the couple got married there!

What's up next for this DIY pro and her photographer hubby? Greece tops the list of places Kelly wants to visit. _"Jeff and I are taking a belated honeymoon and headed to Santorini and the Amalfi Coastand I could not be more excited for the colors, the architecture and the food. I'd also love to go to India, but I don't know if my heart could handle the color inspiration overload that country holds."_ Kelly, I understand, believe me!

When asked what connects her to the Gray Malin brand, Kelly explains that it embodies a _"larger than life"_ aesthetic which is similar to her own business, and sheelaborates with _"I love that Gray's photos capture adventures and a love of color which is something Istrive to achieve with StudioDIY."_
Well, I think it's safe to say...mission accomplished!
Thank you to Kelly for such a **sweet** Inspiration Spotlight. But wait! We're not quite finished. We had too much fun with our Miami Pink Umbrellas to not share an opportunity to have your very own! That's right...CONTEST TIME.
Want a chance to win your very own small Pink Umbrellas signed print? Two ways to enter! 1. Follow @GrayMalin & @StudioDIY on Instagram Instagram the Pink Umbrellasphoto from (or re-gram Kelly's Instagram photo), tag the image with @GrayMalin and @StudioDIY, use the hashtag **#GrayMalinPinkUmbrellas** and tell us the reason why you'd love the print for your very own! OR 2. Follow @GrayMalin & @StudioDIY on Pinterest Pin Gray Malin's Pink Umbrella photo to your Pinterest page. Then comment below Kelly's blog post with a link to your pin! Winner will be announcedon Fridayvia Instagram on @GrayMalin and @StudioDIY
GOOD LUCK to those who enter and as always THANK YOU all for following along.. Pink umbrellas forever! xx
\*All photos of Jeff Mindell\*