I'm really excited to share today's Inspiration Spotlight today because it's such a fun one! I love a good interior decorating story, and this one does not disappoint. Please allow me to introduce you all toJordan ofRamshackle Glam.We met through a mutual friend, and when I heard she was beginning such a huge project (new home in a brand new city - **_big_** ), I knew I'd want to follow along and see how it all turned out.
Luckily for all of us, Jordan is more than happy to share the details of creating their new California dream home. So Jordan, it sounds like there's a lot going on, right now?Fill us in...
_"Well, my husband, two children, two dogs and I recently relocated from New York to the Bay Area, and so life is all about setting up our new place and figuring out our new town. Right now I’m in the last stages of editing my second book, Carrying On: (Mis)Adventures in PregnancyLand, which will be out in January (my first, Ramshackle Glam, was released last spring) and filming a series of before-and-after decorating projects with Thumbtack. And I post daily on my lifestyle website, Ramshackle Glam, about our adventures – which lately include a cross-country road trip with two children under four (which wasn’t as terrible as it sounds, I promise), our arrival at a home that we purchased from a FaceTime video (really), and lots and lots of decorating."_
First off, I can't believe Jordan purchased their new home via a Facebook video! Whatever works, right!? As I'm sure I've mentioned before, I feel strongly about decorating a space around your art selections rather than adding artwork as an after thought. With this in mind, I was excited whenJordan inquired aboutaddinga framed Gray Malin print to her decor.

She ended up choosing San Francisco Nude Beachfrom the A la Plage series, which is such a fun and cheeky choice! With the housewarming gift complete,I asked her what made her choose this particular image. She had this to say,
_"I want our house to have a distinctly West Coast vibe, and knew I wanted to choose a piece of art that screamed “California” for a focal piece…and it doesn’t really get more California than a nude beach. I also love that the image looks sculptural and abstract from far away, and it’s only once you get really (really) close to it that you realize what you’re staring at. And blush."_
Continuing, Jordan elaborated on her overall approach to decorating,
_"But really, I would say that the one unifying factor in my approach to décor is that I want everything in my home to have a story; to have its own history. Of course it’s lovely to have a picture-perfect, everything-in-its-place living space, but more important is to be excited by the things that your eyes land on, to have them remind you of places you’ve been and people you’ve known and things you’ve loved."_

I couldn't agree more, Jordan! I'm so happy to know that you found a piece that was reflective of your decorating philosophy, and I'm excited to see how the rest of the new home comes together. Thanks so much for opening up your home to us!
To read more about all of the pieces Jordan decorated her sidebar with, check out her post right here.