I know, I've mentionedit before, but October has really been a whirlwind of a month. Kicking it off with the official release of my second book, ESCAPE, followed by thenext installment of my series Far Far Away, sprinkled with book signings and an exhibition in between, the pace continues through the rest of the month, so stay tuned! Today, I'm excited to catch you all upon the beginning of my week, which was spent in my hometown of Dallas. As many of you know, we are very proud to have Gray Malin products sold in Neiman Marcus, both in-store and online. What you may not have heard, though is that Neiman's just announced their famous Fantasy Gift list, and we are included in it!

In alignment with the launch of their annual _The Christmas Book_, which is filled to the rims with anything and everything you could hope to give or receive this holiday season, it also includes this truly fantastical list, hence the name.Growing up in Dallas, where Neiman Marcus is first opened its doors, I was always excited for the book to arrive in the mail and flip through all of the glamourous pages. In their 91st year, the Fantasty Gift Listwasalways the talk of the household, as it was so fun tofantasize about which one you'd choose....that is if your budget wasn't a consideration, of course!Simply put, Neiman's is engrained into Dallas culture as well asmost people who live withinit. With that said,it has been surrealfor me to begin working withNeiman's let alone beinvited to be acoveted gift on their list. The best part? With the purchase of each and everyone of these gifts, Neiman's donates a portion of proceeds to The Heart of Neiman Marcus Foundation, which I think is what ismost important. Atthe end of the day, these gifts may not be attainable for most but so many will benefit from the fantasy of it all.
Would you and a friend like to join me on a helicopter ride over the coast of Santa Monica and Malibu? You can! While we're up there, I'll be capturing the scene below, thenan image will be selected fromour trip...for you to keep. It will be printed, signed and framed, then delivered to your doorstep to enjoy...always.
It doesn't stop there, though! Did I mention you'll be staying in a luxurious hotel along the sands of Santa Monica? Well you are and after our flight, I'll join you two back there for a champagne toast as well as few more goodies for you to enjoy.
To learn more about the gift, this is the link for you.
Sure, it's a digital world, but it's hard to dismiss the sheer delight that we all get when it comes to flipping through a beautifully crafted _book_. It reads like a magazine but it's a shopping dream on every page. The fantasy gift is on page 129 but for something a bit more within reach...turn to page 77! I'm so excited to have our brand new candles highlighted as well as the framed print ofButterflies. Exclusive to Neiman's, you'll find this brand new print available, sized in our small, 15.5" x 21.5," frame.

Available in all locations as well as online, expect to find a variety of Gray Malin products including: ESCAPE, BEACHES, luxury trays, the candle collectionas well as iPhone cases, _AND_ the brand new holiday ornament, which you don't want to miss!In addtion to,Butterflies, Neiman's also offers a selection of framed prints including favorites from the series, Bon Voyage.

To see more, head into your local Neiman Marcus or simply click here, and take it all in. Also, be sure to pick up their newly released _The Christmas Book_, as it's a celebration of 110 years of the Neiman Marcus experience.