Hi Everyone!
One of my favorite parts of being an author is going on a book tour and I have been working on a series of special virtual experiences so I can tour with you in partnership with Zoom! Using your existing Zoom account, we will be able to flip through the book together while I share exciting videos and behind the scenes stories from some of my favorite images that you simply will not believe!
Each free event will be a captivating experience with a unique topic and a different friend of the brand co-hosting the event with me! Join us each week during the month of May for a 30 minute long visual conversation filled with endless inspiration and the opportunity to travel to all seven continents through my lens.
Here is the full schedule of events - join one or all four! They are totally free, just make sure to RSVP here.
## May 4th at 7PM ESTwithKatherine Schwarzenegger Pratt - RSVP here
## May 11th at 7PM ESTwith Lauren Conrad- RSVP here
## May 20th at 7PM ESTwithSchitt's Creek's Sarah Levy - RSVP here
## May 25th at 7PM ESTwithhis husband Jeff Richardson - RSVP here
I can't wait to see you very soon!