Cocktails & Wines That Won’t Sabotage Your Diet

Cocktails & Wines That Won’t Sabotage Your Diet

7 years ago
Hi Everyone,

If you’re anything like me, then by now you’ve probably committed to a new year free of sugary cocktails and calorie-packed wines—or at least less than the year before! I’m the type that is all for a good, challenging New Year’s resolution, but I’m also the type that loves a good cocktail or glass of wine at the end of a long day. So… how do you reconcile the two?

Don’t worry quite yet, not all hope is lost! This year I’ve committed myself to a few challenges like focusing my workout efforts on weight lifting, stretching on a regular basis, and even learning how to do a cartwheel—but I’m going a little bit easier on myself this year when it comes to indulging in a five o’clock sip. While some go cold turkey and sign on for “Dry January” at the start of the new year, this year I’ve decided to educate myself on what options are already out there that I can order at my favorite restaurant, pick up at the store, or mix up at home—without totally restricting myself. (The new year is all about self control and discipline, right?!)

So without further ado, here is a list of resolution-approved wines and cocktails that will curb your happy hour cravings and keep you on track all year long:

_If you’re craving a cocktail…_

## Take advantage of tonic and soda water.

Soda water is calorie-free and tonic is a meager 10 calories per ounce, so that makes these two ingredients your best friend when it comes to whipping up some healthier cocktails this year. Next time you’re out, order a simple vodka soda or gin and tonic. You’ll only have to count the nutritional value of the alcohol, which will likely be two ounces or less, and these recipes are also super simple, meaning you won’t be too tired to whip one up at the end of a long day and end up resorting to something less healthy.

## Make it a mocktail.

This is probably the obvious answer to staying on track, but if you’re really wanting to kick alcohol to the curb for a bit this year, then mocktails are the way to go. And to be honest, there are a ton of recipes out there that will satisfy your cravings without a drop of alcohol like this sparkling pomegranate and berry mocktail, or this French 75 mocktail. This is also the perfect time to take the experimental route with your recipes since you likely won’t be using very expensive ingredients, so don’t be afraid to get creative…

## Follow the 3 M’s: Mojitos, Martinis, and Bloody Marys.

If all else fails, opt for one of these three cocktails the fall under the “M” category. Mojitos fall around 150 calories per glass with ingredients that are already pretty low-calorie, and you can always adjust the amount of simple syrup to make it even more diet-friendly. Next, martinis can have even less calories than a mojito, and there are tons of healthy renditions, like this 111 calorie pomegranate martini recipe (with only 9g of carbs!). And last, if you’re at brunch or you’re craving something a little bit more savory, opt for a bloody mary (without too many fixings). The tomato juice in a bloody mary is naturally a low-sugar ingredient, and you can always add healthy garnishes like celery. Win!

_If you’re craving a glass of wine…_

## Make it sparkly.

Instead of your usual glass of sugary sweet wine, go for a flute of champagne instead. Bonus: If the bottle indicates “brut nature” or “brut zero,” that means that it has less added sugar than your typical glass of bubbly, so keep a keen eye open to these terms if you’re trying to avoid too much sugar this year. Plus, a glass of sparkling wine like this only averages about 110-120 calories per glass. Pretty good, huh?

## Rosé for the win.

This is where Veuve Clicquot Brut Rosé saves the day… At only 20 calories per ounce, this is a great option if you’re trying to stay on track but can’t kick that five o’clock craving. In most cases, you can indulge in a glass of rosé at only 90-100 calories per glass, so keep this one on your list next time you go out with friends.

## Keep things light.

If you’re not feeling something bubbly like rosé or any other sparkling wine, then stick with white wines like pinot grigio, vino, and the like next time you pour a glass at the end of the day. Not only are they usually on the lower end in alcohol content, but they are also lower in calories and carbs compared to red wine. But, not all white wines are created equal, so make sure you’re doing your research before you pick any white wine off the shelf.

**What do you like to sip on to curb your five o’clock cravings?**

I hope these tips help you make healthier choices next time you head to happy hour, and remember—all things in moderation! There’s no reason we can’t indulge in a sweet sip as long as we’re making smart selections… riiiight?




Photos: Jessi Burrone for

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