I think it's safe to say that I am not a Minimalist when it comes to my interior design style. This is not to say that I don't appreciate minimalism decoras well as admire those who pull it off in their own unique ways. There is definitely a difference between keeping it simple and simply doing nothing at all, which a minimalistically styled room might sometimes be mistaken for. So, lets discuss, shall we?
## What is Minimalist Style?
> **Minimalism** is a term referring to those movements or **styles** in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work of art is reduced to its necessary elements. ... **Minimalist style** is distinguished by superior materials that give the impression of an apparently moderate luxury.
> **Minimalism** in **interior design** means spacious rooms with minimum of furniture and details. The main element of this style is attention to shape, color and texture.
\*Thanks Google!
As I've often mentioned, I love seeing how my artwork isincorporated into individual's living spaces. It's especially fun to see it in a variety of decor styles, as it's always interesting to see what piece was selected. In the case of all of the minimalists out there, I thought I'd take a stab at recommending some of my photography that fits into minimalism as it's defined by the almighty Google and of cousre, interior designers. Whether your minimalist approach is throughout your entire home or perhaps just one room in particular, I'm excited by the idea of decorating it with minimalist art.
**Why go minimalist with your artwork? If you enjoy uncluttered spaces, clean lines or bold shapes, this look just might be for you.For example...**
If ever there is a room that _should_lack clutter, it's the work space. I've heard that messy people are smarter, which at times I would agree...especially when I'm making final selects for a new series, but on average - I love to have a clean desk at the beginning of the day and to end it the same way. What happens in between does not constitute style, rather it's the surrounding space of which you work within.

In an ideal world, we come together as friends and family to enjoy a meal. We talk about neutral topics and everyone is in a great mood. In reality, well...we all know that we're capable of the ideal situation but more times than not, it's not the case. Lively conversation is whatkeeps meal time interesting, anyway! With all of the eventful chatter, why not keep the decor style simpleand emphasis on a serene piece of art to gaze upon when you need a breather?

The aptly named Living Room is where we spend our time relaxing and unwinding from the day. Kick back in a room without much to catch your attention other than a comfy throw pillow or a fantatiscal piece of art set against a clean white wall. Sounds good to me...

The Bedroom is certainly an important room to consider a pared down aesthetic. Naturally, art selection is a tough one as you want something that is both pleasing in the morning and as your drift to sleep at night. This particular shot is from an art fulfillment project I did with the Surf Lodge, to see more rooms like this one, look no further than right here.
Last but certainly not least, the Bathroom. For some of you, it might be the one room that you get any privacy (hi parents!) or it's simply a place that you like to keep clean, as _it is_where you (yourself) get clean. I love a fun decorative bathroom but when it comes to my own home, I love crisp white and marble paired with a soothing piece of artwork.

_ **So, what do you think? Are you a minimalist?** _ I definitely think I could be in a room or two. To get more inspiration on artwork for the minimalist eye, check out our Minimalist Moments Shop.