7 Healthy Habits to Start Your New Year Off Right

7 Healthy Habits to Start Your New Year Off Right

8 years ago
The start of a New Year is all about resolutions, fresh starts, and bettering ourselves. It might seem like those resolutions are only worth pursuing if they are grand or daring or life-changing, but what often goes unnoticed are the little things. So today I’m sharing a few of those little habits with you that can make a big difference in your day-to-day life. They have surely had a positive impact on me, and I hope that they can do the same for you! So without further ado, here are 7 healthy habits to start your New Year off right…

7 Healthy Habits to Start Your New Year Off Right | Savor Your Sleep


This is the first on my list, and for good reason. Without enough sleep, all other functions start to fail, and too many sleepless nights in a row will catch up to you. Start off this year by setting a bedtime and then try as often as possible to make it a priority, above all else. It will have a positive impact on all other parts of your day, and soon enough you won’t sacrifice your sleep for anything! Even when I’m abroad, I always aim for at least 7 hours a night.


In my personal experience, staying hydrated somehow gets lost between all of the to-do’s on my list. To make sure you’re getting at least the minimal amount of H2O your body needs, try marking certain points throughout your day with a glass of water. For instance, have a glass of water as soon as you wake up, before and after each meal, and one more before bedtime—there’s 8 glasses right there! Easy, right? 7 Healthy Habits to Start the New Year Off Right | Commit to a Skincare Routine


This one might take a little extra effort, especially for the guys, but sticking to a skincare routine can benefit you both now, and later. Not only is it a great way to start each morning or night feeling refreshed, but the right products can leave your skin glowing and free of dirt, debris, and sweat from the day, as well as help your skin age more gracefully over the years. 7 Healthy Habits to Start the New Year Off Right | Balance Work and Play


In most cases, our jobs and work take priority over many other things in our life (including our sleep, as mentioned above). Of course, the ability to work hard is a highly valued skill and work commitments should always be addressed. But sometimes the most valuable part of being successful is knowing when to close your email and do something you love!

7 Healthy Habits to Start Your New Year Off Right | Make Your Mornings Positive


Some people may claim that they simply are not “a morning person” but I am a firm believer that, even when waking up is difficult, you can start each day in a positive way with a few simple morning rituals. This will be different for everyone, so find what makes you happy in the morning and stick to it! Whether this is a playlist, a motivating podcast, your favorite workout, or simply a few positive words in the mirror each morning, just do _something_ that fills your morning with positivity and sets the mood for your day.


We’re all guilty of laying in bed and scrolling through our phones late at night, even if we know it’s not the best habit (for our self-esteem or our tired eyes). Although it takes effort, the start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to discipline yourself when it comes to technology. Try setting a “curfew” for yourself—put your phone in another room at least an hour or two before going to bed, and don’t touch it until morning. It not only allows your body and mind time to wind down before sleep, but forces you to spend a couple of dedicated hours with your S/O, your roommate, or yourself.

7 Healthy Habits to Start Your New Year Off Right | Start a Gratitude Journal


We often spend the last few months of the year reviewing all of the things we are thankful for during the holidays. To keep that feeling with you all year long, start with a gratitude journal and write something you’re grateful for in it each day, even if that thing is just that you weren’t stuck in traffic that day. You’ll be able to look back, remember all the good things in your life, and maybe even have a laugh or two. **What healthy habits are you practicing this year?**


Photos: Gray Malin, @graymalinpersonal on Instagram, Jessi Burrone for GrayMalin.com

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