8 years ago
Hi Everyone,

Over the weekend, my friend and bloggger, Marianna Hewitt, contacted me about an idea she had for a very special photograph. This photograph would symbolize hers, mine and we hope many of your desire to promote positivity and peace in the face of such a chaotic time in our history. Within the first seven months of 2016, we have experienced such violence on a massively global scale. With horrible acts against humanity inOrlando to Paris to my hometown, of Dallas, and to so many more places, our naturalinstinct to help begins to feel helpless. Our field of vision becomes fractured, and even for those of us not directly affected, it can be difficult to know where to offer support.With this in mind, Marianna and I decided to join forces and our social network to create a peaceful opportunity for anyone who wants to help to do so in an easy and (we hope) fun way. #PEACECHALLENGE with Gray Malin and Marianna Hewitt

Looking at this beautiful world from above, where we can put our blurred vision in perspective to seek some clarity and to find the bigger picture, we have a challenge for you to consider. #PEACECHALLENGE - Learn How to Support Peace

## Here's what we're asking:

\*Repost this photo and/or create your ownphoto with likeminded friends who want to band together within a symbol of healing and solidarity \*Tag a friend you want to invite to participate \*Be Sure to Use #peacechallenge \*Share the link along with your post gofundme.com/peacechallenge \*Pledge to donate $5-$15 We ask that anyone who receives the challenge to donate $5 to $15 dollar togofundme.com/peacechallenge— and then post their own #peacechallenge photograph tagging a new friend or loved one to do the same. Please consider sharing this photograph to not just spread some always-needed light and love during such a dark time in our society, but to also raise awareness of this GoFundMe page.

## Where will the donations go?

All the money raised on this GoFundMe page will be equally shared among The Human Rights Campaign in support of the LGBT community, #BlackLivesMatter, and UNICEF. When we find ways to coexist with each other, the result is always beautiful. I deeply believe this sentiment and saw it in reality during the creation of this image. Thank you to everyone who joined Marianna and I today, and thank you all in advance for your consideration to participate. #PEACECHALLENGE - behind the scenes Gray Malin and Marianna Hewitt #PEACECHALLENGE - behind the scenes Gray Malin and Marianna Hewitt #PEACECHALLENGE - behind the scenes Gray Malin and Marianna Hewitt

Peace, Love, & Cheers


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