Lido Faro, Capri I think it’s safe to say we are all guilty of indulging a little when we travel. Okay, maybe more than a little… There are a lot of factors that can throw your routine out of whack when you’re traveling, and if I’m being honest, I’m no stranger to returning from a trip with a few extra pounds that weren’t there before I left! (Anyone relate?) Since I travel on a regular basis for work, I knew I couldn’t make a habit of indulging on every trip, so I decided to round up a few tips to share with you guys that I’ve learned while on the road. Although it may seem that keeping healthy habits while out and about will require you to sacrifice the things that make traveling so fun—ahem, like gelato after every meal—I promise there are a few sure-fire ways to keep yourself in check while still enjoying every bit of your vacation (dessert included!).

## 1. Explore On Foot
This one is a win-win. Not only does it get your heart pumping, but it also allows you to see the sights up close and personal. There’s just something about exploring the city on foot that elevates your travel experience—it’s so much more memorable! Plus, you have so much more flexibility to explore when you choose to walk, and you might even end up discovering some pretty cool hidden gems that you wouldn’t have had the opportunity to see otherwise. You’ll be having so much fun, you won’t even be thinking of it as exercise.
## 2. Pack Snacks
Let’s face the facts: packing ahead can seem like a chore, but I promise it pays off in the long run. When I take the alternative approach and just stop at the nearest store or restaurant, I usually end up having less healthy options, and end up choosing whatever is quickest, easiest, and looks most satisfying to me in my hunger-crazed state. (Long story short, I end up getting something loaded with carbs, sugar, or salt.) Not a good combination! That said, packing healthy travel snacks ahead of time is crucial. That way when you feel your stomach rumbling, you’ll reach for something healthy in your bag, rather than whatever is calling on the shelf. Fun tip: Another thing I love to do is stop at local farmers markets when they are out. Browse the stands, and choose some healthy locally grown fruit for a snack!

## 3. Break a Sweat
There are so many ways to log some exercise while on vacation, and it doesn’t take hours in the hotel gym to keep those few extra travel-pounds off. In fact, it doesn’t take a hotel gym at all! Whether it’s a quick morning jog, a few laps in the hotel pool, or this on-the-go abs workout, breaking a sweat before heading out for a day of sightseeing not only sets the tone for the day, but also keeps your energy up and makes returning to your regular schedule post-vacay an easier transition. Tip: It doesn’t have to feel like a chore—have fun while breaking a sweat! Take a jog on the sand, go surfing, throw a Frisbee on the beach… The possibilities are endless. To make it even easier to keep your fitness routine going, opt for an activity you would normally do at home to make it feel consistent. If you’re a runner, go for a run, or find an exercise class similar to one you take at home. I promise, if you do some research, there are options!

## 4. All-Day H2O
It’s no secret that staying hydrated is a healthy habit, and when you’re traveling it is a must. Sightseeing means more time out and about, using up energy, which can lead to exhaustion and dehydration (especially in warm climates). Bonus: sipping on H2O all day also helps flush your system and decrease bloating from those extra grams of sugar you may be eating. Traveling is exhausting enough as it is, don’t put your body through any more stress by drinking sugary drinks. Stick to good ol’ H20, and your body will thank you. On top of that, make sure that if you’re having a drink with friends or family, keep it to a minimum and opt for less sugary options. Of course it’s acceptable to celebrate the fact that you’re on vacation, but guzzling too many alcoholic beverages will leave you feeling sick and will take a toll on your body during your vacation.

## 5. Don’t Sacrifice Sleep
This is always easier said than done—there’s so much to see, so much to do, and when you don’t want to miss out on the experience, sleep often drops dramatically on the priority scale. But if you want to keep those pesky pounds off while traveling, do not sacrifice sleep! Sleeping helps your body recuperate and recharge, leading to better overall health, and let’s face it… when we stay up late, we get hungry and can’t resist a late night snack. Resisting the urge to snack after dinner time helps keep weight off. And when we make sleep a priority, we don’t give our bodies the chance to get those late-night cravings. So go to sleep early, rise early in the morning, and you’ll have even more energy to conquer the day in a healthy way. I hope some of these tips give your next vacation a healthy kick, and help you enjoy the experience even more! **What tricks do you use to keep the vacay weight off?**