How to Make an Entrance, Part II

How to Make an Entrance, Part II

7 years ago
_As promised, today we’re sharing part two of contributor Kate Lester’s series on creating the most enviable entryway for your home. With the holidays fast approaching, we could all use a little help in this area, so Kate… we’re all ears! But first, if you didn’t catch part one, take a peek right here._

_Then, keep scrolling to learn how bring that chic vibe from your front porch right into the interior entry of your home. Trust us, the tips from this all-inclusive series will make all of your friends (and neighbors, and passersby, and literally everyone) jealous of your picture-perfect entry…_

Photo by Lauren Pressey


So now that we’ve tackled the outside, let’s move on in. I mean, no one wants a gorgeous front porch and an interior entryway filled with junk mail, sunglasses and sandals, amirite?!

Let’s elevate that entry so that your guests’ first impression of your home is a little more Kate Middleton… and a little less Kate Moss.

Photo byAmy Bartlam

### 1. Fab artwork is key

If you have a wall that allows it, please get yourself a fabulous piece of art or a Gray Malin photograph for your entry. Nothing says “I am an adult” like a signed, and custom-framed piece of art. Even when you are running out the door keeping it all together with dry shampoo and coffee, you will hold your head a little higher when you pass your grown-up art and it will make you feel like you can tackle the world. #adulting

Photo by Amy Bartlam

### 2. Get yourself a proper tray

If you are lucky enough to have an entry large enough to accommodate a console table or chest, do a happy dance. Next, get yourself a tray or decorative shallow bowl as a “catch all”. If you do not have this, your keys, mail and sunglasses will just be dumped everywhere, and end up floating all over your house, the bottom of your purse, or worst of all, your dining room table. (I am literally cringing just thinking about this.) Once you have secured this very important anchor to your entry, then have some fun. Add a lamp, some flowers or potted succulents, and a few vintage or found objects to give the space a curated and collected feel. #traychic

Photo by Lauren Pressey

### 3. Add a bench or ottoman

Seating makes taking shoes on and off even easier. (I say this like I invented this concept.) I like to add a bench or ottoman to the entry since I think it helps define the space, and is also completely functional. Adding decorative hooks and baskets keeps everything wrangled and sets you up for success when you are coming home tired after a long day at work. #hookitup

Photo by Amy Bartlam

### 4. Check yourself.

…literally. Invest in a fun and functional mirror for your entry that will allow you to do a quick face check before you head out the door. It also is a super-secret designer trick to hang a mirror across from (or near) a window to reflect the light and make the space appear larger than it is. #donttellanyoneitoldyou

Photo by Amy Bartlam

### 5. Get rug obsessed… like me.

If you know me you know I am rug obsessed. The entry is THE perfect spot for a fabulous vintage rug or runner. Since the sizes of most Turkish or Persian rugs are not exactly “standard” you can often get something smaller than a 5x8, which is usually perfect for the entry. Where you ask? The Internet. Trust me, there is a whole world out there just waiting for you to shop it. Longer, thinner, runners are great in the entry too. Just triple check your measurements or tape out the rug dimensions with blue painters tape on your floor to make sure it works before you place your order! #vintagecarpetsaremagic

_Now please go put all of those orphaned shoes away, unpack that bag from the weekend trip you took last month, and clear some space for all of the gorgeousness that is about to happen!_

_There you have it, everyone. Now, time for us to get to work on our entries… Who’s with us? And as always, a HUGE thanks to Kate for sharing her design expertise with us!_

_See more from Kate Lester Interiors by following her on Instagram here, and visiting her website here._


_Team GM_

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